
I am Nikhil. I daydream a lot and am quick to get fascinated by all manner of things. This is a digital journal and scrapbook of stuff I’ve come across and find beautiful or interesting.

That’s a drawing of me by my buddy, the singularly talented Mark Vollenweider of Iowa City.


Text is mostly set in Lineto Circular which makes me very happy to look at. EB Garamond is used for italics with panache.

Here's a word-soup of all the stuff I use to render and deliver this site: Markdown, 11ty.js, TypeScript, JSX, Node, bash, Markdown, Sharp, SQLite/SQL.js, Tailwind, PostCSS, SASS, CircleCI, AWS. I use Plausible for privacy-friendly analytics.

, it took ten seconds to generate this whole mess on an x64 system running Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS with a 36-core 3GHz Intel Xeon® Platinum 8223CL CPU and 74.15GB of memory.

Absolutely none of the views expressed here reflect those of any of my employers.