
seven things tagged “lectures

A 11-Hour Mini-Course on Quantum Mechanics

An amazing resource to learn the basics of Quantum Mechanics. Suggested to me by ZS.

Professor Tara Brabazon on Procrastination

She addresses graduate/PhD students struggling to complete their theses but there’s quite a bit to learn here. She considers procrastination as a perfectly logical response: why wouldn’t one seek pleasure? It’s something that (a) reveals a lot about what you’re afraid of and (b) is hence a protectio…

Parrots, The Universe, and Everything

A lecture at UCSB by Douglas Adams (RIP) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ZG8HBuDjgc…

3blue1Brown’s Series on Linear Algebra

I wish I had this intuitive, visual understanding and appreciation of the topic when I was in college.…

Text Objects versus Motions

Excellent talk by Chris Toomey on Mastering the Vim Language. Features a lot of must-read Vim resources and nice-to-have plugins. Key takeaway for me: Prefer text objects to motions when possible (corollary: “Is this repeatable?”) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wlR5gYd6um0…

Amar Bose on Life

Amar Bose on education, teaching, purpose, creativity, not whinging, Norbert Weiner (under whom he was a grad student), and working with the right (and ethical) people. Starts around 24:00. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ySAXW-7WrDg…