one hundred and eighty-one things tagged “funny”
The Most Satisfying Scene in All of Cinema
A lovely little book on ghastly parenting by animals that are not us. Gifted this to a family member who just had her first baby and is your normal, apprehensive, anxious, stressed-out, impossibly-in-love first-time parent1. I loved Priscilla Witte’s witty2 illustrations and what I think is the over…
Libraries that Look like Tilda Swinton
Not sure what else to add here, other than my head reeling with “How the heck does one even think up this subject?”. And appreciating how the Internet can be such an amazing forum for collective weirdness and joy. Speaking of fora, the link’s on Twitter so here’s a cached version to save you the dis…
Pyaar Karke Pachtaya
by Pyaar Ke Side Effects
by Tohi
Parsing X/HTML with Regex
by StackOverflow
You can’t parse [X]HTML with regex. Because HTML can’t be parsed by regex. Regex is not a tool that can be used to correctly parse HTML. As I have answered in HTML-and-regex questions here so many times before, the use of regex will not allow you to consume HTML. Regular expressions are a tool that…
Whale Fish
by Mr. Scruff
“CEO’s Skill Set Transferable To Any Job That Requires Dumbass To Receive Big Salary”
NEW YORK—Claiming he could easily fit into a similar position at most companies, local CEO Mike Waltke told reporters Monday that his skill set was transferable to any job that requires an inept dumbass to receive a big salary. “I have the incompetence necessary to effortlessly transition into a r…
“Paul’s Life on Caladan was very different than on Arrakis”
Caption by CO 🤣…
Cowsay! 🐮
I love me my cowsay. It’s a lovely amusement that greets me every time I open a terminal session. People typically use it with the fortune command but my cow moos a random developer excuse. I generate that using this bash function and this invocation: command -v cowsay >/dev/null 2>&1 &am…
In Defence of the Single Page Application
Trenchant, brilliant stuff by William Kennedy 💯 (Cached)…
The Apple Product Cycle
Was doing some digital house-keeping and came by a cached copy of that by MisterBG. Things haven’t changed too much over the past two decades……
On Knowing Everything When One is Young
When he was young he had prided himself on being clever. Walking down the street, not even thinking anything, just walking along like every other moron, he’d had a distinct sense of how clever he was. He’d never done anything with that cleverness except write stupid articles and make occasionally…
On Mullets
People ask me why in 2023 I’m still rocking a mullet. Easy answer. Without the lettuce I’m just a guy that says dumb shit all the time. When I say dumb shit with the mullet, it’s like my face is saying one thing out front, and my mullet is apologizing out back. My mullet is “Dumb shit out front, I…
On Convenience in 2022
Definitely the future of television I had in mind was me having to google every movie I want to watch to see if it’s currently in one of its one-month windows on any of the seven streaming services I pay for. This is way easier than buying a DVD. I love it. @chasemit…
“What we have built together is sad, buggy, quixotic garbage but you have to use it.”
Things are going well with the Metaverse: In a follow-up memo dated September 30th, [Vishal] Shah1 said that employees still weren’t using Horizon enough, writing that a plan was being made to “hold managers accountable” for having their teams use Horizon at least once a week. “Everyone in this org…
My Awesome Downtown Pad
I feel very personally attacked by Mr. Lovenstein. And somehow glad I’m not the only person who, for instance, purchases a glorious WaterRower1 and proceeds to give it a thousand cumulative and approximate ‘pulls’ over three years. 🤦♀️ Because he saw it in House of Cards and thought it looked sic…
“I Fucking Hate Jira” is a collection of people sharing their feelings about one of the worst pieces of software I continue to use every day.
Jira is middle-management-ware, a term I made up for software that serves the needs of middle management, or, at least, the needs middle management thinks it has, which comes to the same thing as long as you’re selling to them. (link) Jira is a tire fire. It should be condemned and officially des…
A List of Patriot Groups
by Unknown
101st Chairborne 1st Methanized Infantile Division Al-Kabob Army National Lard Battle of The Bulging Stomach Bozo Haram Branch Covidians Buffet Brigade Bundesmeal Call of Foodie Chowed Boys Cosplaytriots Country Bombkins Coup Klutz Clan CroMAGAnons Cult 45 Delta Farce Delta Forks Fryatollahs G.I. J…
It’s Wednesday
My dudes. Cached here via YouTube because it is too precious to be yanked off the internet. Via Rob G. /misc/w/wednesday.mp4 It also occurred to me that the OS in the video would be more usable, more respectful, and less full of spyware than the giant crock of shit that is Windows 11.…
ThanosJS is a Hot New Framework that promises to “reduce the file size of your project down to 50%”
It’s what all the Patagonia-clads are raving about. They tell me it solves all perf problems in a snap. Update Here’s an NPM package. And, of course, Java if you’d like to deploy this in an Enterprise™ setting.…
Interview with a Senior JavaScript Developer in 2022
I don’t know whether to laugh or cry. This really got me: My job is to keep our code running while other packagers are changing theirs. Lord have mercy. NPM continued use and existence is proof that (Almost) Every Day is a Miracle ✨…
On Doing Nothing At All
As far as Indian Gurus go, I find this guy more illumined and full of practical, actionable advice than, say, this guy, less full of shit than this one, and definitely less batshit crazy than this one. /misc/t/true-purpose-of-life.mp4 Via LT 🙏 Update The creator of the video is Masood Boomgaard.…
Check Everything and Twice
A couple from snowy Minnesota decided to take a winter vacation back in the simple Florida resort where they had stayed for a honeymoon twenty-five years before. Because of his wife’s delayed work schedule, the husband went first, and then when he got there he received a message that she would me…
Waiting is Hard Work
Lessons learned from “Frog and Toad Together”: Don’t be like Toad and yell at your seeds. Do what you must with love and care and leave them be. They’ll be fine. “But when?!”…
On Sitting on your Arse
I like nothing more in the world than sitting on my ass doing nothing. And it’s not my fault I have this attitude, because I happen to have an amazingly comfortable ass. It may not look like much, but if you could sit on this baby for two minutes, you’d realize that getting off this ass would be a…
Dan Brown is Renowned
These articles are from a while ago. I love them a lot. By Michael Deacon. That’s true, mused the accomplished composer of thrillers that combined religion, high culture and conspiracy theories. His books were read by everyone from renowned politician President Obama to renowned musician Britney S…
“I don’t know. Somebody saw one once.”
This is a clip from the very funny Kathleen Madigan’s 2016 standup special Bothering Jesus. I’ve been saying it a lot these days. It’s just tremendously satisfying to say. /misc/m/mermaid-lady.mp3…
On Software
Software is and has been engaged in an endless race to the bottom. Wrong. The Achievements of the software industry over the last thirty years are astonishing. They’ve managed to entirely negate several orders of magnitude of performance improvements provided by the hardware industry. Anonymous.…
Here’s Bryan Cantrill’s classic assessment of Oracle Corporation (taken from this talk.) /misc/b/bryan-cantrill-oracle-1.mp4 On Twitter, a year after that video: If you were an enterprise database customer who hadn’t heard of the Nazis, might it be easiest to explain them with Oracle allegory? @b…

REALLY 📢 LOUD 📢 NOISES 📢. It’s really, really loud. This is Boyapati Srinu’s third movie with Balakrishna after Simha (loud) and Legend (louder.) Akhanda is the loudest and shittiest collaboration yet. The story is a complete afterthought and, very loosely, holds together punch dialogues, fight s…
On Stupid Questions
Journalist David Walsh recounting a story about his late son John in the context of his work uncovering Lance Armstrong and the USPS Pro Cycling Team’s “most sophisticated, professionalised and successful”1 doping program. One story stood out. One of John’s teachers at [inaudible] National School…
Our Crazy Calendar
by @foone
Someday aliens are going to land their saucers in a field somewhere in New Jersey and everything is going to go just fine right up until we try to explain our calendar to them “yeah we divide our year into a number of sub units called ‘months’ made up a number of days, and they’re not all the same l…
On Unorthodox Marx
He leads the existence of a real bohemian intellectual. Washing, grooming and changing his linen are things he does rarely, and he likes to get drunk. Though he is often idle for days on end, he will work day and night with tireless endurance when he has a great deal of work to do. He has no fi…
“A plus-sized Jewish lady redneck died in El Paso on Saturday.”
Renay Mandel Corren passed away at 84 a week ago (RIP 🙏). Her son wrote what is one of the best obituaries I’ve read in a while. A small excerpt: Here’s what Renay was great at: dyeing her red roots, weekly manicures, dirty jokes, pier fishing, rolling joints and buying dirty magazines. She said s…
If “American Psycho” Were About Programmers
Excellent stuff, particularly the mechanical keyboard envy1. There’s a Nikhil in it too! 💁♂️ I don’t think I’ll get into them. Got myself one of these (brown switches) about three years ago after outsourcing the research to a highly enthusiastic and helpful co-worker. The “L” key sticks sometimes…
On Nicholas Cage
Yeah, Nic Cage brings the same intensity to almost every role he does. If it’s not a very good role, it’s gonna stand out as being bad. To put it another way, imagine a boxer that is very good at knocking people out. That’s impressive. Now imagine he accepts fights against children as well, and he…
“I have delivered Value. But at what cost?”
Because we don’t simply write non-annoying and non-creepy software that respects you and does the thing you want it to do anymore. Gotta deliver Value™ to all key stakeholders. By which we mean ourselves and the Market. Not you. You are nothing more than Data that taps “Purchase” to us.…
The Pithy Wisdom of Stephen Crowley
Stephen Crowley is a product designer who maintains @ShitUserStory, my favorite new Twitter account1 (via Deepu). He also maintains a Medium blog with gems like these: “Can Squid Game make you a better UX designer?” (cached) “What I’ve learnt about design from parenting a toddler.” (cached) “How I…
Pushing Buttons
If you took “Buttons” by The Pussycat Dolls and deep-fried it in stale peanut oil, you would get the result below. It’s by Youtuber Dii and it’s all I’ve been humming for the past 48 hours. /misc/b/buttons-dii.mp4…
A Most Satisfying Set of Tweets
Old stuff, but always immensely satisfying to read ♥️…
What Progressive Hearing Loss Feels Like
by the wonderful Amii James (Insta)…
“This (expletive deleted) game will be the (expletive deleted) (expletive deleted). Iowa 17, Penn State 14”
Certainly looks like it, Mr. Hlas. Go Hawks 🤘…
Martin Luther’s Ninety-five Theses, as E-mailed by Your Passive-Aggressive Co-Worker
I’m not saying there’s going to be a schism or anything, but I’m not not saying that, either. This is just genius. (Cached)…
Some Laws of Software Engineering
by GlobalNerdy
Amdahl’s Law The speedup gained from running a program on a parallel computer is greatly limited by the fraction of that program that can’t be parallelized. Augustine’s Second Law of Socioscience For every scientific (or engineering) action, there is an equal and opposite social reaction. Brooks…

Extra Ordinary(2019)
Saw with LD. An absolute delight. Maeve Higgins is just wonderful. Will Forte does Will Forte things with aplomb. I thought it was Edgar Wright meets Stranger Things (kinda.)…
On Luxury
Danny Pudi keeping it real. /misc/l/larry-ducktales-danny-pudi.mp4 “Uh… a luxury you can’t live without.” “A luxury I can’t live without… Coffee. I really like it.” “Luxury… you can get it anywhere.” “Ah I guess, yeah. Like good coffee…” “I love coffee too.” “I like nice socks.” “Socks. Your socks…
Doggy Customs
I will always let my puppy inspect everything for approval (and, usually, immediate loss of interest.)…
Every Website in 2020
Low resolution but enough to make the point. /misc/e/every-website-2021.mp4 See also: Every Website in 2019 and 2018. The mobile web is a garbage nightmare shitshow (especially if you want to read any fucking news.)…
A Human Being has Eaten 32,340 Big Macs and Appears to be OK
Don Gorske started eating them in 1972 and continues to do so. He will buy 6-8 at a time twice a week (at the same McDonald’s franchise) to save on gas. He’s kept all boxes and receipts, which I suppose are what you’d need to apply for and maintain a Guinness Record. Emphasis mine: Seriously, if yo…
What Cricket Looks Like to People Who Don’t Cricket
Lovely Python-esque stuff. /misc/c/cricket-absurd.mp4…
The Freedom Phone
Just some quick notes about a piece of shit from the hit machine that is Conservative Tech. The Freedom Phone is another grift for those inside the Sphere of Shit who are upset that their Orange Daddy got censored by Facebook (that mighty ethical paragon of Silicon Valley) and Twitter (they aight.)…
Mongolian Girl Has a Laugh with her Camel
I used to have a printout of this at my desk at work because it’s just pure joy 🌸♥️ It was pretty popular on the internet a while ago. The little girl’s name is Butedmaa and she was just 5 when this picture was taken in 2003 by photographer Han Chengli, who titled it “Inner Mongolian Child”. Here’…
On Techbros and Their Opinions and Expertise about Vaccines
If you’ve ever installed a program using “curl XYZ | sh” don’t worry about what’s in the vaccine Daniel Feldman ♥️♥️♥️…
I remember complaining about having too many books to read at The Mill (RIP) in Iowa City, and getting a weary “We know” to my “Did you know the Japanese have a word for this?” I remember telling them I’d resolved to have no more than, say, a hundred books on my shelves at any given time, and them t…
Return to Monke
Not sure why this actually got to me.…
The Bieber of Comic Sans
From an interview with Vincent Connare, creator of Comic Sans: Q. What do you think of comic sans’ detractors? A. I think most of them secretly like Comic Sans — or at least wish they had made it. Interesting fact: the main designer at Twitter tweeted that the most server space is used by complaint…
How To Be A Snob: Drinking Alcohol
by theferrett
Once a year, I spend $75 on a good bottle of Scotch Whisky and bring it to Karla’s birthday party. Last year, I brought Talliskers; this year, I brought Cragganmore. I break open the bottle, and ask everyone to take a taste. In this way, we can slowly get an idea of the difference between the variou…
Parrots, The Universe, and Everything
A lecture at UCSB by Douglas Adams (RIP)…
45 Jokes from The Laughter Lover
by John T. Quinn
Translation copyright 2001 John T. Quinn; all rights reserved. Introduction Philogelos (The Laughter Lover) is a collection of some 265 jokes1 likely made in the fourth or fifth century CE. Some manuscripts give the names of the compilers as the otherwise-unknown Hierocles and Philagrios. Other manu…
The Five Cognitive Distortions of People Who Get Stuff Done
By Michael Dearing. Couldn’t find any video and not sure if this is tongue-in-cheek (like the “48 Laws of Power”.) The distortions are: Personal Exceptionalism “I am special.” Dichotomous Thinking “X is sh*t. Y is genius.” Correct Overgeneralization “I see two dots and draw the right line.” Blank-C…
Watching Lionel Messi
“Calling Bullshit” is a free online course that helps you “detect and defuse” Bullshit when you encounter it.
Our learning objectives are straightforward. After taking the course, you should be able to: Remain vigilant for bullshit contaminating your information diet. Recognize said bullshit whenever and wherever you encounter it. Figure out for yourself precisely why a particular bit of bullshit is bulls…
The Universal Estimation Table
Estimate Actual Time Very Easy 1 Hour Easy 2 Hours Quite Easy 4 Hours Looks Quite Easy 6 Hours Average 8 Hours Looks Average 12 Hours No Clue 16 Hours Seems Complex 24 Hours Complex 30 Hours Very Complex 40 Hours Can Take Some Time 48 Hours Fuck 60 Hours Yeah Looks Pre…
Marty’s Mama
Catherine Scorsese used to drop by her son’s sets with food and good cheer 🤶❤️ She appeared in quite a few of his movies and wrote a cookbook.…
“Windows is more than just an operating system; it’s a fabric woven into our lives and in our work.”
No. It’s just a fucking operating system1. A giant program on a computer. What weird, disconnected, embarrassing bullshit ‘spiritual’ techbro nonsense. “We made a website full of memes you can search through, powered by Bitcoin and Machine-Learning (of course), and are changing the world.” No. Stop…
Some Horoscopes
by Unknown
Aquarius (Jan 23 - Feb 22) You have an inventive mind and are inclined to be progressive. You lie a great deal. You make the same mistakes repeatedly because you are stupid. Everyone thinks you are a fucking jerk. Pisces (Feb 23 - Mar 22) You are a pioneer type and think most people are dickheads.…
Friendly’s Staff Fails To Live Up To Restaurant Name, Writes “100% Sh*t Show” On Receipt
by Chris Morran
A New Hampshire family says that after a night out to eat at Friendly’s didn’t go so well, a restaurant staffer decided to express their inner feelings through the increasingly preferred medium of the restaurant’s billing system, dropping the phrase “100% sh*t show” at the bottom of the dinner bill.…
Two Messages for Father’s Day
Happy Father’s Day to the fathers, stepfathers, grandfathers, and father figures who enrich our character, love us unconditionally, and give so much of themselves every day so we can live lives worthy of their dreams and sacrifices. President Joseph R. Biden Jr. And, this is real (as much as you…
The Best Monkey News
This is the best ever episode of “Monkey News”. No further discussion.…
On Software Engineering and Complexity
me, a software engineer: large scale production systems are complex and require teams of experts to keep running. It’s near impossible to get right 100% of the time me, when an app I use goes down once: these fucking clowns, what the fuck @aweary…
My Favorite Prince Thing
“You know I wrote this in… when I was looking at the mirror, right?” /misc/p/prince-cream-live.mp4 “I’m serious.”…
The Midsomar Murders
All 14 years of the show in a comic by Danby Draws:…
We Are Mark Wood
Reddit user and evident Mark Wood fan @kanyay-west put together this list of England’s All-Time Cricketing Best when asked “What’s your country’s all time ODI XI?” I’ve reproduced it here and formatted it for clarity. I laughed a lot to this and am a rather silly person 🙏♥️ Mark Wood Mark Wood Ma…
Sir Patrick Stewart assesses the European Convention on Human Rights
From 2016 but still very relevant apropos conservatism and isolationism.…
On Never Giving Up
Whenever I get discouraged and want to quit something, I remember the words of my then 3 year-old after she puked carrots all over the living room floor: “I’m gonna need more carrots.” Jessica Valenti Now write down “You’re gonna need more carrots” on a sticky and look at it from time to time ♥️…
How to Hack Servers using Windows Media Player
A most dangerous Easter Egg by Microsoft, known only to the most elite of hackers.…
“Hypocrisy is the Vaseline of Political Intercourse”
Somoza called himself “president”. The Sandinistas called him a “dictator”. They called themselves “freedom fighters”. He called them “Commie terrorists”. So they kicked him out then they were in charge. Ronald Reagan called them “Commie oppressors” and he sent in the Contras, whom he called “free…
Top 10 Things That Sound Creepy When They’re Said by John Malkovich
“I love you, Ted Danson.” /misc/t/top-ten-malkovich.mp4…
The Diabetic Racist
Matt Rowan is a family man, a Christian, and a former youth pastor (so we’re off to a fantastic start already). At a high school basketball game, this pillar of the community called children “f****** n******s” for that grave sin of actually kneeling during the national anthem. On the video, Rowan…
“No. I decided I don’t care.”
I love this more than I can describe.…
Stop It.
Just stop it. /misc/b/bob-newhart-stop-it.mp4 Via Professor Goldsman.…
On Delegates, Events, and Callbacks
I just met you, And this is crazy, But here’s my number (delegate), So if something happens (event), Call me, maybe (callback)? LightStriker on StackOverflow…
Real Programmers Don’t Use PASCAL
by Ed Post, Copyright (c) 1982
Back in the good old days – the “Golden Era” of computers, it was easy to separate the men from the boys (sometimes called “Real Men” and “Quiche Eaters” in the literature). During this period, the Real Men were the ones that understood computer programming, and the Quiche Eaters were the ones that…
A Happy Husky
I love this so much. Just look at this happy fuzzderp 🥰 By /u/noah9389…
The Secret
“Positive Affirmations don’t work when I question them, Jeremy.”…
“The Water’s So Great That It Won Awards”
Was discussing water quality in Des Moines with DL. Told her that our city couldn’t hold a candle to Ames, that their water was the “cleanest around.” Wanted to prove this but couldn’t find the 2014 viral hit “Hooray for Ames” video anywhere on the internet. GN, blessed datahoarder that he is, lucki…
On A Good Burrito
I remember the very first burrito I had in the Mission District in San Francisco. My friend warned me that it would be “around the size of your forearm” and that, if I tried to finish it in a single sitting, I would be an idiot. It was, I did, I am 🙏 i do not fuck with any burrito without heft. i…
“The Honorable, the Members of the Unites States Senate”
🇺🇸: We the Peope of the Unites States… 🏴: 🤣…
Your API is a Hall of Shame; You give REST a Bad Name
Dylan Beattie is my new favorite nerd on YouTube.…
Bernie Being Wholesomely On-Brand at the Inauguration
Wait, is Bernie is wearing the same jacket from his meme at the inauguration? @thealanjohnson The pose. The mittens. The social distance. @vulture Bernie dressed like the inauguration is on his to do list today but ain’t his whole day. @MsReeezy And about those mittens: Bernie’s…
Dog Years
By Cameron Spires.…
2021 Things
New Years resolutions for 2021 are gonna be like: travel to the other side of the room wear a different shirt cut screen time from 12 hours a day to 11 eat a vegetable bathe @alyssalimp…
A Conservative Plan
By Amii James (Instagram). Context was the Tories but applies to our fine people stateside as well. Tory ministers saying “we owe it to children to keep schools open” might want to explain to me why they closed my youth centre, cut mental health services, underfunded my secondary school, stripped…
On Gender Fluidity
ROSS: “And Sasha you’ve got… is it two girls and a boy?” COHEN: “Too early to say, really.” The Jonathan Ross Show…
The Human Flamethrower
by Unknown
Surprising in many ways! A dinner at REDACTED is an unforgettable experience, not to be missed. It’s a beautiful restaurant, the food is fantastic, and you’ll be thinking about it long after the meal is over. We started with the Date & Almond Naan, which was sweet and delicious. The Butter Chick…
What Do We REALLY Learn?
Via CO. Succinct and appropriate for a gamut of events. /misc/w/what-do-we-learn.mp4…
“I have to do this.”
I made a bet at work that involved me eating my Crocs (if I lost, of course), prompting my co-worker to send me this story about Eric Taylor, a “former Magic: The Gathering player and highly regarded Magic columnist, especially during the earlier days of the game” (MTG Wiki), who made a similarly ha…
On Winters
Taken completely out of context, for the letter itself is a lot of bro-y “locker room talk.” My mind is dried up, exhausted. I’m disgusted to be back in this damned country where you see the sun in the sky about as often as a diamond in a pig’s asshole. Gustave Flaubert, Letter to Ernest Chevalie…
On Partying After 35
once you reach a certain age if you pull an all-nighter, you die @FeelingEuphoric…
Definitely Not Octopuses
From this book that features 14 animals. Which are definitely not octopuses.…
Decoding the flags and banners seen at the Capitol Hill insurrection
Confirmation that I did, indeed, see a “No, Georgia the country, idiot” flag. And then there’s this surprising tidbit: The flags of Canada, Cuba, Georgia, India, Israel, South Korea, and South Vietnam were spotted in the mob. It’s unclear why many of these flags appeared, though a number of the whi…
On Debugging
I’m not a great developer, I’m just really good at finding the magic one-liner fix on the 14th page on a repo’s GitHub Issues @iamdevloper…
They Pushed Me Out And Maced Me
/misc/a/america-2021-they-pushed-me-out-they-maced-me.mp4 Perfection. By @schmoyoho and via KP.…
THIS is America
Lord of our lives and sovereign of our beloved nation, we deplore the desecration of the United States Capitol building, the shedding of innocent blood, the loss of life, and the quagmire of dysfunction that threaten our democracy. These tragedies have reminded us that words matter and that the po…
Scottish Sass
Asked about speculation that Mr Trump could travel to Scotland in order to avoid the inauguration, Ms Sturgeon said: "I have no idea what Donald Trump’s travel plans are, you’ll be glad to know. "I hope and expect that – as everybody expects, not everybody necessarily will hope – that th…
On GraphQL
a GraphQL server is just a SOAP API that’s studied abroad @iamdevlopr…
Indian man wears gold face mask to ward off coronavirus
And here’s our man, Shankar Kurhade, modeling my 2021 strategy given how confident I am in my state’s government fucking up vaccine distribution.…
Robot Party
I cannot imagine the decades of engineering that went into realizing this. “Spot” the Robot Dog doing her ballet was 💯 Bravo, Boston Dynamics for taking us that much closer to (what, for now, looks like a fun) Singularity.…
On Auto-Fucking-Play
Dear web developers, The answer is zero. Zero. Get it through your thick skulls. Zero is the number of times anyone has EVER wanted something to autoplay on your site and start making noise. I’d honestly rather you mine crypto-currency in my browser than use my speakers. #kthxbye @MalwareJake…
Corpsing is British theatrical slang for unintentionally laughing during a non-humorous performance or when a role in a humorous performance is intended to be played “straight”. In North American TV and film, this is considered a variation of breaking character or simply “breaking”. Wikipedia He…
How to Drive in Iowan Winters
If you rarely drive on snow, just pretend you’re taking your grandma to church. There’s a platter of biscuits and 2 gallons of sweet tea in glass jars in the back seat. She’s wearing a new dress and holding a crock pot full of gravy. @Chadsu42…
Werner Herzog Reviews a Hotel on Yelp.
“Am I truly controlling anything?” (cached)…
The Slap - Part II.
I must have watched this 14,221 times. A parody of this (real) miniseries. There’s a Part III too.…
2020 in a Nutshell
Via PLG.…
A Brief History of People Thinking Piers Morgan Is the Pigeon Lady From ‘Home Alone 2’.
Had to cache it because this is just lovely stuff. Pretty sure I had a mini-blackout when I read the Trainspotting part 💯…
What to do with Over-Engineered $700 Computer Wheels.
If impatient, skip to the last minute.…
Raj on Hell’s Kitchen
Tapped this YouTube suggestion on a lazy Sunday. This man pushed my capacities for sympathy and empathy to their breaking points in this 20-minute highlight reel. I don’t know what to type here other than quote the very first sentence of his Fandom wiki page: Raj is widely regarded as one of the wo… is a lovely collection of Brexit repercussions.
I created YVFT site after my Conservative voting aunt complained on Facebook that there weren’t enough police to deal with disruptive teenagers in her town. I wanted to scream, “But you voted for this!” without looking like a lunatic.…
On Mutually Assured Destruction
“Hum toh doobe hain sanam, tujhe bhi leke doobenge.” Afghan Cricket Team Captain Gulbadin Naib warning Bangladesh…
Fatman (Trailer)
Well this was certainly most unexpected.…
“Haiyaa is the MSG of Word.”
So saith Uncle Roger, who finally approved someone’s egg-fried rice. Via KP.…
Interstate 35
I’ve lived in Iowa for a while and felt this in my soul.…
A Summary of Iowa’s Covid-19 Response
See also: The time-tested stratagem of going La La La La La. Here’s the entire conference.…
Every “safety plan” I’ve seen that would allow public schools to reopen requires that kids behave in ways that no child has ever behaved in the history of children.
Yep. And the tweet was in the context of school openings, but college towns like Ames and Iowa City, are no exceptions (like she continues.) I say we continue to doubt the science, exercise absolutely no discipline in the interest of the economy (because the Communist Kiwis maintain zero interest in…
Newton, Emoji Master
👉 Of all the stuff I could’ve attempted to appreciate from the genius’ collegiate notebook, I loved these annotations the most and don’t care what that says about me.…
“The outburst I had at JoAnn’s Fabrics is not reflective of who I am.”
Myrna Tellingheusen is my new favorite person on the internet ♥️…
“You too!”
Every. Damn. Time. by Tommy Siegel…
Nagarjuna and Jagapati
Took me two tries to get through this. I felt bad for Rep. Clawson but he was well-intentioned and, to CM’s point, this is the kind of “honest mistake” that can happen only in a few countries 🇺🇸…
Every Website in 2019
/misc/e/every-website-2019.mp4 Source. See also: Every website in 2018…
How to Respond to a Pandemic
And don’t forget to vote to privatize and abolish the Fire Department by calling their experience and credentials into question! By @ShowerThoughtsComics…
Ominous Twitter Bio Warns Foolhardy Readers That They Have Entered Realm Of Political Incorrectness
The Punisher logo is genius. Via Pete.…
The Impact of International Students on the U.S. Economy
Ah, lovely. Absolutely lovely. Really lovely folks, let me tell you.…
On Masks
Bill Burr on The Joe Rogan Experience: BURR: I don’t want to start this bullshit. I’m not gonna sit here with no medical degree, listening to you with no medical degree, with an American flag behind you smoking a cigar, acting like we know what’s up, better than the CDC. All I do, is I watch the ne…
Every Zoom Call Ever
By someone at Toggl, a software company that also makes great comics… 🤷♂️…
Chill Midwesterners
When I see a carefree runner in I-did-not-need-to-see-that shorts in windy, 5-degree weather. By @artbyjuliet.…
The Happiest Little Human
I’ll consider myself dead on the inside until I’m this ecstatic after sipping mushroom soup. /misc/h/happy_baby_human.mp4…
AppleTV, AppleTV, AppleTV
I absolutely love Dustin Curtis’ splendid explanation of “AppleTV” branding that’s making making the rounds on HN. For posterity, I stole this handy color-coded transcription off Michael Tsai’s blog. See also: The intractably stupid AppleTV Remote.…

Jaspreet Singh on the awful abandonment fantasy beloved by desi parents (starts around 1:10.) Here’s the entire shitshow of a movie. Yakeen maan-na, Baghban dekhne se pehle mujhe idea bhi nahin aaya tha ki maa-baap ko nikaala bhi jaa sakta hai.…
Two Levels of Not Giving a Fuck
No Code is the best way to write secure and reliable applications. Write nothing; deploy nowhere. Start by not writing any code. Brilliant. I love both the presence and contents of the Dockerfile in that repo. As is always the case with such projects, the issues and pull requests are 💯 And if one…
Pisces People
by Aleister Crowley
THE influence of Pisces upon the Sun does not make specially for strength, except in the last decanate, which is ruled by Mars. Otherwise, there is a certain softness and placidity which diminish the vitality. The Pisces type is extraordinarily psychic, more so than is the case with that of any othe…
Penny Flip Tip
Whenever you’re called on to make up your mind, and you’re hampered by not having any, the best way to solve the dilemma, you’ll find, is simply by spinning a penny. No—not so that chance shall decide the affair while you’re passively standing there moping; but the moment the penny i…
Gandhi the Annihilator
At least in Civilization: [. . .] Gandhi tends to be the first to use nuclear weapons, and spares no expense on wiping your civilization off the map. You probably always thought you were crazy — how could a series that prides itself on historical accuracy portray Gandhi so wrong? Well, you’ll be ha…
Midwest Distances
Expression Real Distance Next door 1 - 2 miles Right up the road 5 - 10 miles Up North 15 - 100 miles A couple miles 10 - 20 miles Not too far 20 - 50 minutes A little ways Over an hour A pretty good drive 2 hours+ Drive down there Literally any direction Can attest 😆. Via.…
Assistant Executive for the Task Force on Employee Services
Via GLP, a University Title Generator that generates “prestigious” titles and associated salaries. A few random gems Associate Coordinator of the Subcommittee for Community Services Deputy Vice President of the Office of Alumni Planning Provost for the Subcommittee for Investor Diversity Vice Chair…
Medieval Fun Land
As the final season of HBO’s blockbuster television series Game of Thrones hits screens around the world today, audiences in China are begging for the explicit scenes of sex and violence not to be censored. [. . .] Disgruntled viewers in China have previously compared the significantly edited versi…
CVS Receipt Generator
Garrett Whisten made a most amazing CVS receipt generator (cached). He even wrote a scraper that gets real product names off their website 🙏 🙌…
David Mitchell on Taxation
Oh how I love a good David Mitchell rant. This one’s on avoiding taxation via pension contributions: [. . . ] what we’re essentially saying is that people get to choose, if they’re rich, how much they reckon they out to pay. Where on this moral scale do they place themselves, what can they square w…
The Bullshit Asymmetry Principle
The amount of energy needed to refute bullshit is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it. Lawdamercy…
Clay and Lego
The original comic…
Racism and Astrology
Via co-worker DH. Dara Ó Briain on how Racism is better than Astrology: Racism is one of the worst social evils they can imagine. “How dare you do that?” they say. "How dare you ascribe to me personality traits? You don’t even know me, but you tell me that you know me, and you know these thing…
Sans Bullshit Sans
Roel Nieskens “leveraged the synergy of ligatures” to create a free typeface called Sans Bullshit Sans. It turns this The value proposition of our agile mindset and scrum methodology is to enable the emergence of disruptive, convergent, crowdsourced platforms that allow our clients to lean in and e…
Ankeny & Saudi Arabia
Ankeny or Saudi Arabia? If you had to choose one to live in, which would you pick? Depends. One is full of religious wackos, and the other one is in a desert. – /r/desmoines…
A Frenchwoman in America
SM, reminiscing I was 15 when I first came to the United States. Detroit. There was nothing worth eating in Detroit. Except fudge. And White Castle. And Cheetos.…
Animated Commentary
Nick Murray Willis does brilliant “animated treatments” of commentary.…
Every Website in 2018
/misc/e/every-website-2018.mp4 Source…

Game Night(2018)
Jesse Plemons steals the show even though he has very little screen time. In my book, he is no longer Todd from Breaking Bad, and is never to be referred to as “Meth Damon” or “Discount Matt Damon”…
Seagal the Expert
“” 05/08/18 lol…
Child Endangerment
A mother in suburban Chicago breathes a huge sigh of relief this week, as she was reunited with her 8-year-old son Kevin, who was accidentally left at home alone as the family went on vacation to Paris. Apparently no one had noticed the boy was missing on their drive to the airport and through airp…
Real Bobby Tables
XKCD IRL FTW. Sam Pizzey registered a company named ; DROP TABLE “COMPANIES”;-- LTD and wrote about it.…