
three things tagged “democrats

On the Democrat Reelection Strategy

please bro just one more election please just one more I swear we just gotta win one more please bro please after the election we’ll fix everything please come on bro this is the most important election in history bro please bro I gotta win this one please bro please @mycheesemonster…

Senator Grassley, People, and Party

More people like this, and on both sides, please. /misc/g/grassley-people-party.mp4 Senator Grassley is 88 years old. He voted to oppose Judge Jackson’s nomination. “Having carefully studied her record, unfortunately I think she and I have fundamentally different views on the role of judges and th…

The Democrats in 2022

Should be a lovely 2022 and 2024. By Jen Sorenson whose work I love.…