
six things tagged “finance

Shorting Things

You predict (or have insider information) that the price of lawnmowers will fall. The current market price of a lawnmower is $1,000. You go to Eddie’s Lawnmower Rental Company and rent a lawnmower from Eddie for $10 a day. He doesn’t care about you returning the same lawnmower; he just wants you to…

Here’s a “Household Income Percentile Calculator for the United States”

In case that site is unavailable, and for the year 2020, it’s an exponential curve with the 50th at $67,463 75th at $122,500 80th at $141,100 90th at $201,052 95th at $273,850 98th at $386,915 99th at $594,420 Until not-too-long ago, I used to think that “the top 1%” referred to “few hundreds of m…

“It wasn’t brains that got me here I can assure you of that.”

I cannot help rewatch this powerful scene from “Margin Call”. A masterclass in acting by the great Jeremy Irons. Every sentence, glance, and gesture projects complete and menacing presence, power, and finality, and is done to absolute perfection 👌 /misc/m/margin-call-sell-it-all.mp4…

How the Economic Machine Works

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PHe0bXAIuk0 See also: “Where profits come from”…