
thirty-nine things tagged “movies

On MAGA and the Future of This Grand Experiment

The truth is, these are not very bright guys, and things got out of hand. Hal Holbrook, Deep Throat, All the President’s Men…

Telugu Folk at The Movies

A theater-owner on Telugu moviegoers at RRR: This fucking shit destroyed my theater opening night. The Telugu crowd specifically wrecked out shit. No issues with the Hindi dub or the Tamil dub. Confetti cannons, spraying soda everywhere, littering in the parking lot, sneaking in more people than th…

Dune Art (and other lovely things by Owen Gent)

This beauty is by Owen Gent an artist and illustrator from Bristol (Insta). He appears to do a lot of book covers and I just love his work. Here are a few favorites.…

The Eye: Calanthek

This is a short film done entirely with the Early Access version of Unreal Engine 5. It’s only around eight minutes long and took six weeks to make but its plot is more exciting and coherent than whatever the heck was happening in Prometheus1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0kXWNfW9ia8 Some example…

Worlds Beyond the Stars

Dil Se, written and directed by Mani Ratnam, is one of my all-time favorite movies. I still consider its soundtrack to be A R Rahman’s greatest work. It’s just magnificent stuff. When I was 15, I remember seeing the movie’s trailer1 and being awestruck by this haunting background song2 that didn’t m…

Another “Dune” Poster

Absolutely beautiful work by Nada Maktari 🔥 Here are a few others for the Dune that didn’t get made.…

Some “Dune” Posters

For “the greatest movie never made”, although there appear to be a few contenders1 for that title, like Stanley Kubrick’s Napoleon. My absolute favorite is the last one by Hugo Emmanuel Figueroa 🙌 Pe-release flyer (Source) by Matt Chinn. Variation 1 by Stan and Vince. Variation 2 by Stan and V…

On Nicholas Cage

Yeah, Nic Cage brings the same intensity to almost every role he does. If it’s not a very good role, it’s gonna stand out as being bad. To put it another way, imagine a boxer that is very good at knocking people out. That’s impressive. Now imagine he accepts fights against children as well, and he…

The Ring of Tucci

I love this ring as much as I love Mr. Stanley Tucci. It’s from The Devil Wears Prada and is an aqeeq ring (which “means quartz in Arabic, and agate in Turkish”) which was a pretty common sight on older hands when I was growing up. I looked far and wide for a replica and found this on Etsy1. That p…

Eliminating Distractions with MS-DOS

The Dune screenplay was written on MS-DOS on a program app called “Movie Master”. It has a 40 page limit which helps the writer, Eric Roth. Writing is fundamentally about putting your ass in the chair and typing the words. Eliminating distractions (I’ve checked Twitter at least five times while wr…

“It wasn’t brains that got me here I can assure you of that.”

I cannot help rewatch this powerful scene from “Margin Call”. A masterclass in acting by the great Jeremy Irons. Every sentence, glance, and gesture projects complete and menacing presence, power, and finality, and is done to absolute perfection 👌 /misc/m/margin-call-sell-it-all.mp4…

Marty’s Mama

Catherine Scorsese used to drop by her son’s sets with food and good cheer 🤶❤️ She appeared in quite a few of his movies and wrote a cookbook.…

“All You Zombies”

by Robert A. Heinlein

2217 Time Zone V (EST) 7 Nov. 1970–NTC-- “Pop’s Place”: I was polishing a brandy snifter when the Unmarried Mother came in. I noted the time—10:17 P. M. zone five, or eastern time, November 7th, 1970. Temporal agents always notice time and date; we must. The Unmarried Mother was a man twenty–five ye…

Two Short Stories about Capitalism by Steve Cutts

“Happiness” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e9dZQelULDk “MAN” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WfGMYdalClU…

How to Hack Servers using Windows Media Player

A most dangerous Easter Egg by Microsoft, known only to the most elite of hackers.…

Stop Motion Love

Some surrealism: Jan Švankmajer - Lunch (Food 1992). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0yM3uxZjdfo The shortest film ever nominated for an Academy Award: Fresh Guacamole by PES. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dNJdJIwCF_Y Cooking utensil salad by Omozoc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=da7iGPigiz4 And…

“What’s Wrong With You?”


What Do We REALLY Learn?

Via CO. Succinct and appropriate for a gamut of events. /misc/w/what-do-we-learn.mp4…

The Work of Ron Cobb

Ronald Ray Cobb was “an American-Australian cartoonist, artist, and film designer” who passed away in September last year. He worked on movies like “Back to the Future”, “Jodorowsky’s Dune”, and “Alien”. An ornithopter! But it’s perhaps his cartoons that are more enduring and eeriely relevant afte…

The Best Suspense and Thriller Movies

Saved three lists of the best movies of the genre according to the British Film Institute, IMDb, and Rotten Tomatoes. Merged them into a giant list here and sorted by year here. Pretty version with all those lists here. #covidplanning…

Fatman (Trailer)

Well this was certainly most unexpected. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z64XvPERZ50…

Shrek The Elder (Maybe)

Known as “The French Angel”, the wrestler Maurice Tillet is rumored to have inspired the look of Shrek. He suffered from acromegaly caused by a benign tumor on his pituitary gland (which regulates the synthesis of Human Growth Hormone - Wikipedia). Here’s a color video of him chilling 🤗…

Gary Oldman as Dracula

by the incomparable Herb Ritts. Not the same Dracula, but seeing these made me think of one of my favorite things: “Horrible Tragedy” by Philip Glass and the Kronos Quartet for the 1931 movie.…

Anurag Kashyap on The Struggle

Kashyap on his journey to become one of India’s most important filmmakers. The cover picture is clickbait. No “shocking” revelations. Just a good story about pursuing one’s chosen vocation with grit and perseverance (with a bit of luck along the way.) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jYeaVyc1Krc On “…

I fight Crime. And I Read.

In Ramayya Vasthavayya, Avinash is a mononymous “Central Crime Branch” officer who, according to the barcode on his IDENTITY CARD, loves new-agey mind meld books. Or so I gather. Couldn’t decipher the other barcode but submit that it might reveal his preference for reasonably priced cutlery sets at…

The Titanic and Climate Change

Stumbled upon this nearly three-hour, real-time, annotated simulation of the Titanic sinking. Late night1. Which led me to James Cameron’s 2012 documentary Titanic: The Final Word, in which he assembles a group of engineers and historians to fix the simulation in the 1997 movie, which leads to this…

Stop Motion Laundry

Absolutely amazing stop motion by Daniel Cloud Campos & Co. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AUCTnmWT5Lk Here’s the making of. They did it over 17 days. I wonder when they got any sleep. At one point he says “we got 2 seconds after 4 hours.” ~3 minutes of video = 360 hours, or 15 days 😬 And it r…

But Why the Dog?

Does The Dog Die? is a publicly curated database of sensitive, “emotional spoilers” for books, movies, TV, and many more categories. Unconsenting Media is a similar database of “sexual violence in broadcasting”.…

A 100 Indian Films

Cached a list of CNN-IBN’s list of “the 100 Greatest Indian Films of All Time” for later perusal because the source website is cancer.…

Lutz Ebersdorf

As if I needed another reason to fall in love with Tilda Swinton Swinton penned a phony IMDb biography to keep the secret, and wore fake genitalia, created by makeup artist Mark Coulier, while in character. (“She did have us make a penis and balls,” Coulier told the paper. “She had this nice, weigh…


The 1.25s interval between each ‘tick’ in the background score of the water planet scenes1 in “Interstellar” indicates the passage of a single day on Earth. #theydidthemath See also: thalassophobia↩︎…

Child Endangerment

A mother in suburban Chicago breathes a huge sigh of relief this week, as she was reunited with her 8-year-old son Kevin, who was accidentally left at home alone as the family went on vacation to Paris. Apparently no one had noticed the boy was missing on their drive to the airport and through airp…