
thirty-eight things tagged “javascript

In Defence of the Single Page Application

Trenchant, brilliant stuff by William Kennedy 💯 (Cached)…

ThanosJS is a Hot New Framework that promises to “reduce the file size of your project down to 50%”

It’s what all the Patagonia-clads are raving about. They tell me it solves all perf problems in a snap. Update Here’s an NPM package. And, of course, Java if you’d like to deploy this in an Enterprise™ setting.…

The Art of Node

by maxogden

The Art of Node An introduction to Node.js This document is intended for readers who know at least a little bit of a couple of things: a scripting language like JavaScript, Ruby, Python, Perl, etc. If you aren’t a programmer yet then it is probably easier to start by reading JavaScript for Cats. :c…

“Everyone has JavaScript, right?”

The key takeaways in no particular order. Use <noscript>. If you are using it, use it a lot more. There is no guarantee that chunks will load after the main one does; the user’s location and/or network access might have changed! Think CalTrain. ISPs, Corporate VPNs, and Browser Plugins1 can m…

How Big is Too Big for JSON?

From over 10 years ago (I’m sorting through my old bookmarks). A single object looks like this: { "ACCTOUNT_NUMBER":"1234567890", "CUSTOMER_NAME":"ACME Products and Services, Inc.", "ADDRESS":"123 Main Street", "CITY":"Albuquerque", "STATE":"NM", "ZIP":"87101-1234" } He test…

The Script Tag

A handy-dandy visual guide to the <script> tag, its various attributes, and how they relate to HTML parsing. Source unknown.…

Docsify is a Markdown-based documentation generator.

It’s very simple and clever. This is an example of what’s rendered from this giant Markdown file 💙…

The Collatz Conjecture in TypeScript’s Types

The argument here being that, since the ‘general form’ of the conjecture is undecidable, TypeScript’s type system is undecidable. How does one even think of doing these things? I love Typescript, but it isn’t nearly ambitious enough. It would be vastly improved with an --extremelyStrict flag enforc…

Single-binary Compilers for Node

Nexe and pkg are two compilers that create self-contained executables out of your Node scripts. Deno introduced this in a recent release, which got me looking for Node-based alternatives.…

Four Months of Frontend Development

This is a new personal record. Will go six months the next time 🎸…

The “Not Invented Here Syndrome”

In programming, it is also common to refer to the “NIH syndrome” as the tendency towards reinventing the wheel (reimplementing something that is already available) based on the belief that in-house developments are inherently better suited, more secure, more controlled, quicker to develop, and incu…


The JavaScript Minefield

Handlebars.js Tutorial