four things tagged “china

Adventures of the Magic Monkey Along the Silk Roads by Evelyn Nagai-Berthrong and Anker Odum

Adventures of the Magic Monkey Along the Silk Roads (1983)

by Evelyn Nagai-Berthrong and Anker Odum

Rating: A+

A friend used to loan me this lovely book when I was 12 or 13. I loved reading and re-reading it to the point where I remember asking him if he could just gift it to me for my birthday (he declined). And then Life happened and I grew up and I forgot all about it until around 3 years ago, when I sudd…

A Cheat’s Hankerchief

This is a silk hankerchief from c.1860 used by one or more people to cheat1 on the Imperial Examinations. Via the Minneapolis Institute of Arts. Here are a bunch of Art History Professors discussing this artifact and its history They’d use all sorts of th…