
seven things tagged “cool stuff

It’s Wednesday

My dudes. Cached here via YouTube because it is too precious to be yanked off the internet. Via Rob G. /misc/w/wednesday.mp4 It also occurred to me that the OS in the video would be more usable, more respectful, and less full of spyware than the giant crock of shit that is Windows 11.…

An Ingredient Parser using TensorFlow

Really cool stuff. Trained on the New York Times ingredients corpus (large 13.5MB CSV) and turns this ingredients = [ "3 large melons", "5 1/2 cups water", "2 cups flour", ] into this [ { "name": "melons", "unit": None, "qty": 3.0 }, { "name": "water", "unit": "cups"…

Ghost Structures

This is such a wonderful idea. Stand opposite the glass and you’d know what Kruševac Fortress in Serbia looked like in its heyday: Franklin Court in Pennsylvania is another example of how one could illustrate architectural history. Franklin Court was the site of the handsome brick home of Benjami…

A Cheat’s Hankerchief

This is a silk hankerchief from c.1860 used by one or more people to cheat1 on the Imperial Examinations. Via the Minneapolis Institute of Arts. Here are a bunch of Art History Professors discussing this artifact and its history https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=85gAfiJGpVM They’d use all sorts of th…

An 18,000-year Old Pupper

This is Dogor 🐾, an 18,000-year old puppy preserved in Siberian permafrost. His name means “friend.” He was discovered as a lump of frozen mud near Yakutsk and lies at a private museum. Dogor left the wilderness as a lump of soil and ice, but scientists could make out the head and paws of what th…

Omoshiroi Blocks

These are memo pads that “excavate objects” as they are used. A bit more expensive than your average PostIt, but a very lovely idea.…