
ten things tagged “resources

“Tabler Icons” are free SVG icons for web design.

Simple, consistent, SVG, adjustable stroke-width, and there are 1900 of them (and counting).…

Pages Full of Links to Cool Things

Terra, Gossip’s Web, and Marijn’s Linkroll remind my (oldass) self of a more innocent time when one would ‘surf the internet’, come by a list of links another human being liked, and discover all sorts of strange and wacky handmade things. I think I’m saying I really miss how fun something like Geoci…

How to Write a Shell in C

About as ‘essential’ as it gets if you want to appreciate a tool you work with every day. (Cached)…

A Lovely Illustrated Guide to Home Architectural Styles and Structural Elements.

Here’s another list of 36 styles with real examples. (Cached: styles, elements one and two.)…

CSS Patterns

Excellent stuff! Reminds me of this.