
four things tagged “microsoft

It’s Wednesday

My dudes. Cached here via YouTube because it is too precious to be yanked off the internet. Via Rob G. /misc/w/wednesday.mp4 It also occurred to me that the OS in the video would be more usable, more respectful, and less full of spyware than the giant crock of shit that is Windows 11.…

Eliminating Distractions with MS-DOS

The Dune screenplay was written on MS-DOS on a program app called “Movie Master”. It has a 40 page limit which helps the writer, Eric Roth. Writing is fundamentally about putting your ass in the chair and typing the words. Eliminating distractions (I’ve checked Twitter at least five times while wr…

The Bieber of Comic Sans

From an interview with Vincent Connare, creator of Comic Sans: Q. What do you think of comic sans’ detractors? A. I think most of them secretly like Comic Sans — or at least wish they had made it. Interesting fact: the main designer at Twitter tweeted that the most server space is used by complaint…