
forty things tagged “linux

On the Tragedy of systemd

Spent a decent portion of my professional life with init.d. Had to deploy a set of Ubuntu servers last week (use FreeBSD at home), which marked my first actual brush with systemd after a long while of sysadmin-ing Linux systems. It’s weird, takes some getting used to, and has a lovely Enterprise™ sm…

Linux and PRNGs

Being a long and informative post that leads to “Use /dev/urandom” and features a quote by DJB and a list of computationally secure PRNGs. Cached here.…

Tesseract is an Open-Source OCR Engine

Here’s a short overview but I found it as easy as brew install tesseract # See output.txt tesseract -l eng input.png output…

A Custom “Linux Router, Firewall and IDS Appliance”

The focus of this project is to build a super reliable, durable, and stable network device from tried and tested tech. This is not a project for pushing the limits or testing out flashy new stacks. This affinity for ‘boring’ technology will reflect on most of the choices made here, from the hardwar…

Linux and Switching

The problem isn’t CPU power. The CPU on any modern PC is going to blow away the processing power of any sort of network switch you’d care to buy except the really high-end ones. (Really high end. So high end that unless you already know them by name you are not going to want to buy them) Offloading…

Unix as an IDE

BSD For Linux Users

tmux Customization

How To Add Swap on CentOS 7

The Heart of Unix

The TTY demystified

UNIX Wildcards Gone Wild

ZFS vs. Linux Raid + LVM

The Apprentice’s Notes