
thirty-nine things tagged “sysadmin

On the Tragedy of systemd

Spent a decent portion of my professional life with init.d. Had to deploy a set of Ubuntu servers last week (use FreeBSD at home), which marked my first actual brush with systemd after a long while of sysadmin-ing Linux systems. It’s weird, takes some getting used to, and has a lovely Enterprise™ sm…

pup is a delightful little command-line utility that lets you parse HTML

Think jq but for HTML/DOM. If you wanted to get all the post titles on this log, curl -s -o - https://log.nikhil.io/ | gunzip - | pup "header > h2 > a" text{} Lovely stuff.…

tmux Customization

How To Add Swap on CentOS 7

The TTY demystified

UNIX Wildcards Gone Wild

ZFS vs. Linux Raid + LVM

The Apprentice’s Notes

Subnetting Made Easy

Nginx Configuration Primer