
eleven things tagged “dune

A Fremen Mama

Well not really. I was immediately reminded of (a) where I grew up and (b) Dune when I saw this photo of a Bedouin mother and her child. “Bedouin Mother”, Ilo Battigelli, 1948 (Source Unknown) Intense and so beautiful. It was composed by this chap called Ilo Battigelli (1922-2009, RIP) who worked…

Dune Art (and other lovely things by Owen Gent)

This beauty is by Owen Gent an artist and illustrator from Bristol (Insta). He appears to do a lot of book covers and I just love his work. Here are a few favorites.…

Another “Dune” Poster

Absolutely beautiful work by Nada Maktari 🔥 Here are a few others for the Dune that didn’t get made.…

Some “Dune” Posters

For “the greatest movie never made”, although there appear to be a few contenders1 for that title, like Stanley Kubrick’s Napoleon. My absolute favorite is the last one by Hugo Emmanuel Figueroa 🙌 Pe-release flyer (Source) by Matt Chinn. Variation 1 by Stan and Vince. Variation 2 by Stan and V…

On Law and Character

Good government never depends upon laws, but upon the personal qualities of those who govern. The machinery of government is always subordinate to the will of those who administer that machinery. The most important element of government, therefore, is the method of choosing leaders. — Law And Gover…

Eliminating Distractions with MS-DOS

The Dune screenplay was written on MS-DOS on a program app called “Movie Master”. It has a 40 page limit which helps the writer, Eric Roth. Writing is fundamentally about putting your ass in the chair and typing the words. Eliminating distractions (I’ve checked Twitter at least five times while wr…

On The Future of Computers

Once men turned their thinking over to machines in the hope that this would set them free. But that only permitted other men with machines to enslave them. Frank Herbert, Dune…