eight things tagged “trippy”
by Massive Attack
Heard this on “The Jackal” when I was about 14 or so and I was blown away. An all-time favorite
Tomorrow Never Knows
by The Beatles
I’d never heard this prior to 2009 and could not believe that it was recorded 43 years earlier.
Return of the Shankar
by Krome Assassins
Hairy Candy
by Tobacco
Ian Gee was listening to this on the bus in Iowa City in October 2007. I fell in love with it instantly. He then told me about Black Moth Super Rainbow.
Pompeii Am Götterdämmerung
by The Flaming Lips
Trippy Japanese AI Art
by @sportsracer48 (Patreon)…
The Rajagopuram of the Sri Ranganathaswamy Temple in Trichy
This is indescribably beautiful. Source: tirthayatra.org by @renji_snapshot. Here’s more information and history.…