
nine things tagged “web design

“Tabler Icons” are free SVG icons for web design.

Simple, consistent, SVG, adjustable stroke-width, and there are 1900 of them (and counting).…

The Pithy Wisdom of Stephen Crowley

Stephen Crowley is a product designer who maintains @ShitUserStory, my favorite new Twitter account1 (via Deepu). He also maintains a Medium blog with gems like these: “Can Squid Game make you a better UX designer?” (cached) “What I’ve learnt about design from parenting a toddler.” (cached) “How I…

Every Website in 2020

Low resolution but enough to make the point. /misc/e/every-website-2021.mp4 See also: Every Website in 2019 and 2018. The mobile web is a garbage nightmare shitshow (especially if you want to read any fucking news.)…

Democracy Dies Behind Paywalls

“World’s richest men added billions to their fortunes last year as others struggled: Billionaires have added about $1 trillion to their total net worth since the pandemic began” (WaPo, Paywall.) (Even though The Post is a complexifier for me, I do not at all regret my investment. The Post is a cr…

The KCCI Website is a Terrible Crock of Shit

This is what it takes to view a read a bloody article with a PiHole to block ads. I don’t even want to get started on the AMP nonsense. First, a focus-stealing popup asking if you’d like to subscribe to some bullshit. . . . followed by another popup asking you’d subscribe to more bullshit. . . . a…

CSS Still Life

A pure CSS still life by Ben Evans who appears to be working on an online story with pure CSS illustrations as well. Via Deepu.…