
twenty-four things tagged “reddit

Not Too Shabby A Guy

by i_love_pencils

I don’t think he was a bad guy. I mean, other than the fact he’s a lying, unqualified, draft dodging, gold star family disrespecting, POW attacking, US General insulting, racist, sexist, vulgar, confirmed sexual assaulting, trillion dollars to the rich tax cutting, own daughter creeping1, wife cheat…

The Mess Britain Is In

by Larry the Cat

For those asking from around the world how Britain has gotten into this mess: The Conservative Party has always been obsessed with Europe This caused divides making the party hard to manage Back in 2015 then Prime Minister David Cameron had an idea He promised a referendum on the UK’s membership of…

The Very Stable Genius

by smiama6

McMaster: called him a dope with the intelligence of a kindergartner Mattis: called him a 5th grader. Mnuchin: called him an idiot. Graham: called him a complete idiot. Priebus: called him an idiot. John Kelly: called him a f***ing idiot. Tillerson: called him a f***ing moron. Cohn: called him dumb…

My Undecided Thirties

Indecision has been a pretty huge problem in my life and this comment by /u/tomwaste hit home. I’m not sure if people have experienced the same but when I entered my 30s I became convinced I was rapidly running out of time. Rather than using that as motivation I let it paralyze me with indecision b…

The Valeriepieris Circle

This is from a while ago but I didn’t get the memo. It’s a little crazy: It’s named after Reddit user /u/vaieriepieris, an ESL teacher from Texas, who made it for a map subreddit in 2013. There are more Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, and Communists inside the circle than outside it. It “pulls all of…

The State of American Healthcare

by ThatsWhatXiSaid

Americans are paying a quarter million dollars more for healthcare over a lifetime compared to the most expensive socialized system on earth. Half a million dollars more than countries like Canada and the UK. One in three American families had to forgo needed healthcare due to the cost last year. Al…

On Nicholas Cage

Yeah, Nic Cage brings the same intensity to almost every role he does. If it’s not a very good role, it’s gonna stand out as being bad. To put it another way, imagine a boxer that is very good at knocking people out. That’s impressive. Now imagine he accepts fights against children as well, and he…

A Cultural Map of the United States

Reddit user u/Inzitarie made this lovely Cultural Map of the United States. It’s not perfect but it’s something. He based his version on this one by u/Aijol10 right below it…

On ‘Deliberate’ Genocide in the Americas

by CommodoreCoCo

I see I’ve been summoned. Your comments in this thread make it clear that nothing will change your position. It’s a difficult position to combat, because it’s in such a defiance of literally anything written on the topic in at least the last 50 years. You are not operating off the same foundations o…

On the Big Lie and the Dangerous Normalization of Fascism

by kor_hookmaster

I think because the normalization of Trump and his erosion of political norms over the last 5 years, many people don’t seem to see just how unfathomably dangerous and downright fascist this entire situation has become. Donald Trump lost. He lost. That is irrefutable and indisputable. He has refused…

Ayn Rand the Philosopher

by samiiRedditBot

Ayn Rand is to philosophy what Twilight is to horror fiction - being that the only people who like it have absolutely no experience of what the subject is really about and as a result have nothing to compare it to. Her influence only extends to the general public and she is pretty much ignored by ac…

We Are Mark Wood

Reddit user and evident Mark Wood fan @kanyay-west put together this list of England’s All-Time Cricketing Best when asked “What’s your country’s all time ODI XI?” I’ve reproduced it here and formatted it for clarity. I laughed a lot to this and am a rather silly person 🙏♥️ Mark Wood Mark Wood Ma…

A Most Horrifying Description of Rabies

by ZeriMasterpeace

Rabies. It’s exceptionally common, but people just don’t run into the animals that carry it often. Skunks especially, and bats. Let me paint you a picture. You go camping, and at midday you decide to take a nap in a nice little hammock. While sleeping, a tiny brown bat, in the “rage” stages of in…


by @SneakyNinja4872 on Reddit

I’ve started reading the RotS novelisation and it’s already so good. Full credit to Matthew Stover: "This is Obi-Wan Kenobi: A phenomenal pilot who doesn’t like to fly. A devastating warrior who’d rather not fight. A negotiator without peer whofrankly prefers to sit alone in a quiet cave and me…

What’s the most common mistake people make when choosing their spouse?

by LaTuFu on Reddit

Child of divorce, professional who dealt with divorcing couples for many years, Adult who went through a divorce, remarried and volunteer counseling/mentoring for couples today. Here are the most common mistakes I’ve seen (my own as well as collectively) in the failed and struggling marriages I’ve s…

What are Left and Right critiques of Liberalism?

by TychoCelchuuu on Reddit

Well, we could go on forever listing various critiques from both the Left and the Right, so I’ll just cover a few and maybe other people will stop by and list more. The Left Marxism/socialism There are lots of criticisms of liberalism from the Marxist and socialist corners. We could be here all day…

How many people were really being sacrificed every year in the Aztec Empire before the Spanish arrived? I’ve heard claims it was in the tens of thousands or much lower.

by 400-rabbits on Reddit

I’ll try and cover a few of your specific points, starting with the fact Apocalypto did not intend to portray the Aztecs, but the Maya. The film does (poorly) mash in some aspects of Aztec sacrifice, if only to further its goal of being colonialist apologia and torture porn. Fortunately, the sheer a…

The Joke

Trump has been saying the pandemic has been totally under control since January, and said it would just “go away” in February. He reiterated this in March as the virus surged, and insisted we had “perfect” tests that anyone could get after reports of faulty tests. He said he wanted pandemic-relate…

Drone Footage of San Francisco amidst Wildfires set to “Blade Runner”

/misc/s/san-fran-blade-runner.mp4 by u/skinnybonez32. Here’s the original video. Unbelievable.…

Iowa Is Awesome

by @CockroachED on Reddit

I am so proud to be an Iowan. Iowa is fucking awesome, and here is why: In 1838, before we were even a state, our Supreme Court upheld the law that in Iowa escaped slaves couldn’t be forced to return to a slave state. The same year it became law an unmarried women could own property. In most of…

How to prepare tea