
fourteen things tagged “tv shows

Columbo by Peter Falk

From the highly entertaining “Just One More Thing”…

The Midsomar Murders

All 14 years of the show in a comic by Danby Draws:…

“Hypocrisy is the Vaseline of Political Intercourse”

Somoza called himself “president”. The Sandinistas called him a “dictator”. They called themselves “freedom fighters”. He called them “Commie terrorists”. So they kicked him out then they were in charge. Ronald Reagan called them “Commie oppressors” and he sent in the Contras, whom he called “free…

Stop It.

Just stop it. /misc/b/bob-newhart-stop-it.mp4 Via Professor Goldsman.…

On Chernobyl and COVID

any history of COVID-19 in the US should really start off with an anecdote about how the chernobyl miniseries came out in 2019 and there was immediately a conclave of pundits smugly declaring that we would never respond to a disaster with such epic and malicious mismanagement @small_jawn…

On Gender Fluidity

ROSS: “And Sasha you’ve got… is it two girls and a boy?” COHEN: “Too early to say, really.” The Jonathan Ross Show…

Raj on Hell’s Kitchen

Tapped this YouTube suggestion on a lazy Sunday. This man pushed my capacities for sympathy and empathy to their breaking points in this 20-minute highlight reel. I don’t know what to type here other than quote the very first sentence of his Fandom wiki page: Raj is widely regarded as one of the wo…

Marco Pierre White considers a Chicken Curry

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lJiMpiMa7ug “Nidhi: In thirty-five years of being in this industry, I’ve never seen a dish look like that… taste so good. It’s delicious.”…

But Why the Dog?

Does The Dog Die? is a publicly curated database of sensitive, “emotional spoilers” for books, movies, TV, and many more categories. Unconsenting Media is a similar database of “sexual violence in broadcasting”.…

Who Is America?

Don’t think I could bear to watch the entire series but Vulture’s put together a few clips of Baron Cohen’s guests at “their most gullible” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=czU_IkTDmMk…