thirty-seven things tagged “bookmarks”
Tipi appears to be a super-easy Home Server
Thing I like about projects like these (another example would be LinuxServer) is studying their humongous list of FOSS apps.
“Tabler Icons” are free SVG icons for web design.
Simple, consistent, SVG, adjustable stroke-width, and there are 1900 of them (and counting).…
The Five Cognitive Distortions of People Who Get Stuff Done
By Michael Dearing. Couldn’t find any video and not sure if this is tongue-in-cheek (like the “48 Laws of Power”.) The distortions are: Personal Exceptionalism “I am special.” Dichotomous Thinking “X is sh*t. Y is genius.” Correct Overgeneralization “I see two dots and draw the right line.” Blank-C…
Math in Bash
Lovely stuff. Cached here.…
Linux and PRNGs
Being a long and informative post that leads to “Use /dev/urandom” and features a quote by DJB and a list of computationally secure PRNGs. Cached here.…
How the Economic Machine Works See also: “Where profits come from”…
The TeX Family Tree History
LaTeX, pdfTeX, XeTeX, LuaTeX and ConTeXt. That’s a lot of TeX! This was most helpful, even though MacTeX solves all my problems.…
Don’t Use Hadoop - Your Data Isn’t That Big
A still-very-relevant 9-year old article. Pandas has gone from strength to strength since he wrote that. In terms of expressing your computations, Hadoop is strictly inferior to SQL. There is no computation you can write in Hadoop which you cannot write more easily in either SQL, or with a simple P…
How Big is Too Big for JSON?
From over 10 years ago (I’m sorting through my old bookmarks). A single object looks like this: { "ACCTOUNT_NUMBER":"1234567890", "CUSTOMER_NAME":"ACME Products and Services, Inc.", "ADDRESS":"123 Main Street", "CITY":"Albuquerque", "STATE":"NM", "ZIP":"87101-1234" } He test…
FlameShot just might be the ultimate screenshotting utility.
No macOS love though 😔…
A Custom “Linux Router, Firewall and IDS Appliance”
The focus of this project is to build a super reliable, durable, and stable network device from tried and tested tech. This is not a project for pushing the limits or testing out flashy new stacks. This affinity for ‘boring’ technology will reflect on most of the choices made here, from the hardwar…
Hazel for macOS is an automation tool that lets you watch folders and apply all sorts of rules to them.
By a single dev. At $42, an absolute steal for all the things you can do with it. Perpetual license, no bullshit subscription model. 😍…
“Stump the Bookseller” is a lovely, crowd-sourced book-sleuthing service.
It’s run by the fine folk at Loganberry Books, costs a nominal $4 per submission, and has a very admirable 50%+ success rate. Here’s my submission 🤞 Via CK ♥️…
EXPOSURE is a publishing platform for photographers.
Bit pricey but appears to generate lovely layouts. Via Ash Furrow’s photography site.…
Build Your Own Lisp.
Learn C and build a basic Lisp #VALUE 😍…
, ThriftBooks, and Bookshop are three alternatives to purchasing books on Amazon. Powell’s is withdrawing from the Amazon Marketplace: “The vitality of our neighbors and neighborhoods depends on the ability of local businesses to thrive. We will not participate in undermining that vitality.”…